Research & Planning


This department will undertake and be responsible for identification of environmental risk factor sources, in terms of biological, chemical and physical hazardous substances, that cause environmental media pollution, contamination and adulteration.

The department will also plan and organize the processes and proceedings of mapping out sampling sites, sample collection and management; analyse environmental biological, physical and chemical samples for the presence and quantities of toxic substances, in terms air pollutants, water, soil and food contaminants and adulterants. The research of this department will also provide creative and systematic work, undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge of our young scientists, consultants and specialists in environmental health field.

The Department of Research and Planning Services will be divided into divisions that will include: (1) Environment Health Laboratory Services;(2) Instrumentation Management and Usage Services; (3) Environmental Health Ethical Compliance Services; Service (4) Publication Services and Research Report Compilation and Dissemination.

Division 1: Environmental Health Laboratory Services

Environmental Health Laboratory provides analytical and technical information in support of state and national environmental health programmes. such programmes include, but are not limited to those associated with the surveillance of air, food, soil, water and zoonotic diseases from domestic and wide animals like dogs, cat, cattle, rats; and birds like chicken, pigeons, bats etc. Environmental Health Laboratory combine advanced technology and experienced researchers to deliver analytical data on biological, ecological, chemical and physical sciences, as well as a range of diverse sanitary engineering field. The environmental health testing services include analysis f water, soil, air, food, waste characterization, energetics and explosives, contaminants, pollutants, adulterants and other environmental forensics. This type of testing will require qualified experts who will be able to assist in the development of analytical protocols, environmental health parameters sampling and laboratory analysis. Environmental Health Laboratory will encompass units, such as Air, Water, Soil, Food and other units relevant to the division.

DIVISION 2: Instrumentation Management and Usage Services

According to NOUN (2010), Instrumentation is concerned with the techniques in Environmental Sciences, which involves data collection, Manipulation and information presentation. Proper instrumentation Management and usage helps in maintaining accurate measurements which play a vital role in gauging the scale of anthropogenic and naturally driven effects, pollutant and contaminant concentrations, adulterant thresholds and the development of strategies to mitigate short-and long-term environmental impacts. In a simple perspective, environmental health instrumentation and analysis is a subject which deals with different instruments which is required to test, or analyses the contamination, pollution and adulteration of air, water, soil, food and different other aspects of the environment, media and factors.

The Institute will classify the research laboratory equipment and instruments, based on the environmental media to be measuring. This will include Air Quality Monitoring Instrumentation Service; Water Quality monitoring instrumentation service; Soil and Land Pollution Monitoring Instrumentation service, Food Quality Monitoring Instrumentation Service; Nose Monitoring Instrumentation Services, etc.

The instrumentation Management and usage will also involve installation of instruments; calibration of instruments, maintenance of instrument; operational procedures of the use of instruments; and troubleshooting instrumentation.

Division 3: Research Ethical Standards Compliance Service (RESCS)

Research Ethical standards compliance Services (RESCS), is committed to protecting the right and welfare of humans participating in research studies including adherence to state, national and international legislation and regulations. Ethical Standards compliance service covers a broad range of activity, from general RESCS guidelines to conducting research responsibly to specific regulations governing types of research, such as human subjects research. The project teams are expected to uphold the core principles of NIEH research compliance: Fostering ethical conduct, ensuring compliance guidelines and safeguarding NIEH researchers and research.

The NIEH Research standards compliance Programmes will include: Animal care and use; Conflict of Interest; Human Research Protection; informed consent, Research Safety; Research ethical clearance, Export controls, Research Integrity; Research compliance Excellence (Quality Service, Leadership, Results, efficiency and Reliability); Human pluripotent stem cell; controlled substances management and Research information Security Management. RECSC involving training; Everyone in the NIEH should have access to information and training they need to carry out their work in compliance with laws and other external standards best procedures.

Division 4: Research Publication Services

The NIEH will provide a brisk multisectoral educational research platform, providing those individual workers and other professional stakeholders, an ideal intricate opportunity to accomplish their scientific desires, who long for a refined betterment in their respective professional arenas.

The Division of Research publication Services of the NIEH is designed to usher the sublimity of academic and professional engagements of our Scientists, Consultants and Specialists to showcase their noble efforts for the enlightenments of the multidisciplinary nature of our profession on the contemplary issues of the environment.

The NIEH is therefore envisaging the possibility of a desirable electronic and printed journal on quarterly routine to promote the vivid research entries, from both within the institute and outside; with precise and apt touches and by brining the gulf between perception and the inception. It is called with high hope that our publications will sail beyond horizons, or ride beyond the stars to bring-off contouring destinies (IJIRAS, 2023).

The Division of Research Publication Services, will be achieved under five units as follows: Pre- Submission Peer-Review; Substantive Editing; Plagiarism Checking; Formatting and Artwork Editing; and Article Submission, Compilation and Publication.

Division 4: Research Publication Services

The NIEH will provide a brisk multisectoral educational research platform, providing those individual workers and other professional stakeholders, an ideal intricate opportunity to accomplish their scientific desires, who long for a refined betterment in their respective professional arenas.

The Division of Research publication Services of the NIEH is designed to usher the sublimity of academic and professional engagements of our Scientists, Consultants and Specialists to showcase their noble efforts for the enlightenments of the multidisciplinary nature of our profession on the contemplary issues of the environment.

The NIEH is therefore envisaging the possibility of a desirable electronic and printed journal on quarterly routine to promote the vivid research entries, from both within the institute and outside; with precise and apt touches and by brining the gulf between perception and the inception. It is called with high hope that our publications will sail beyond horizons, or ride beyond the stars to bring-off contouring destinies (IJIRAS, 2023).

The Division of Research Publication Services, will be achieved under five units as follows: Pre- Submission Peer-Review; Substantive Editing; Plagiarism Checking; Formatting and Artwork Editing; and Article Submission, Compilation and Publication.

Division1: Environmental Health Laboratory Services

Unit 1: Air Quality Monitoring

Unit 2: Water Quality Monitoring

Unit 3: Soil and Land cover Pollution Monitoring

Unit 4: Food Quality Control Monitoring

Unit 5: Noise Control Monitoring

Unit 6: Others

Division 2 Instrumentation Management and Usage

Unit 1: Air Quality Monitoring Instrumentation and usage

Unit 2: Water Quality Monitoring Instrumentation and usage

Unit 3: Soil and Land Pollution Control Instrumentation and Usage

Unit 5: Noise Control Monitoring Instrumentation and Usage

Unit 6: Instrumentation Maintenance Management (installation, calibration, operation and troubleshooting).

Division 3: Research Ethical Standards Compliance Service

Unit 1: Research Animal care and Usage

Unit 2: Human Research Protection (Informed Consent Research Ethical Clearance, etc.)

Unit 3: Research Quality Management (Quality Assurance and Quality Control)

Unit 4: Research Information Security Management

Unit 5: Research Staff Training

Division 4: Publication Services

Unit 1 Pre-Submission Peer-Review

Unit 2: Substantive Editing

Unit 3: Plagiarism Checking

Unit 4: Formatting and Artwork Editing

Unit 5: Article Submission, Compilation and Publication

Division 5: Research Report Compilation and Dissemination.

Unit 1: Research Report Compilation

Unit 2: Research Report Dissemination