Linkages & Consultancy


 A linkage is defined as organization, working with other organizations with a formal contract which can be partnerships, or merges. Networking, on the other hand, is defined as the organization working with other organizations without any formal contracts. The impact of networking and linkages on organizational performance cannot be over emphasized. Both networking and linkages focus on very good communications and partnership with others to serve people with mutual interest. The consultancy services in this context, are the services to be executed by the NIEH to its clients or from other consultancy firms/organizations to the NIEH, in accordance with the contract signed by the NIEH and its associates, including the scope of work and variations provided for, by the contract.

This department will be divided into three major divisions namely: professional linkage services, professional networking services; and professional consultancy services.

Division 1: Professional Linkage Services

Professional Linkage Services Division will help the NIEH, as an organization to keep up with advances in pertinent fields and give wide-ranging sources of up-to-date information within which are of the organization’s work. Linkages is an important part of the management, to strengthen its organization to develop and manage its communications to networking with other organization, or having joint projects with other in assisting the vulnerable people of the community/public-Linkages, or interconnections, with institutions functioning along the same mission, are intended to serve members of both sides according to their respective needs, interests, objectives and goals.

Other business or service words for linkage are associates, interconnection, relationship, partnership, affiliation, interdependence, alliance, liaison, tie-in etc for business service cooperation, collaboration and coordination for the beneficiary impacts of the members of both organisations or institutions.

 For the sake of smooth running of this Division, there will be two operational units namely; (1) Internal Linkage Services or National Linkage services, and (2) External Linkage Services or International Linkage Services.

Unit 1: Internal (National) Linkages Services

The success of the institute in implementing its mandate depends largely on the presence of suitable mechanism for establishing internal linkages to tap from the available national/internal agencies, institutions, NGOS and stakeholders. Collaboration with these agencies and institutions will help provide information, expertise and resources to the institute; and will be major stakeholders in funding local and national workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences, national discuss, etc.

Unit 2: External (international) Linkage Services

The need for linkage relationships with external/international bodies derives from the multi-disciplinary nature of the enterprise of the institute, which requires technical, technological, financial and professional inputs from diverse professional areas to be properly linked. The external linkages involve working in association with national and international organisations and governmental bodies, for ensuring the delivery of services of the institute.

Division 2: Professional Networking Services

Networking is a grid/web whose members actively demonstrate how they can work together to attain common objectives and goals, undertake innovative practices and update members regarding breakthrough in different disciplines. Networking is basically extending the outreach of the resources in different ways, so as to increase the effectiveness of the programme. These areas of operations can also be increased through networking.

Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships that is based on contract, but provides advice and contacts which can help the institute make informed policy decisions and provide assistance in developing and implementing strategic plans of the institute.

Professional networking simply means making connections and forming relationships with other professionals and professional institutions in your field, as the gateway for obtaining information and access to share a wealth of professional knowledge, resources and other connections.

The networking benefits include but not limited  to: meeting people of like-minded ideologists, make opportunities; gain contacts directly  with potential clients, or with people who might be able to refer clients to you; meet and build relationships with people who share a similar client based; be part of a supportive network of like-minded individuals and professionals; build a network of reputable supporters abs suppliers of professional items; develop confidence in presenting yourself  and your professions; improve oneself in communication skill and professional knowledge.

Professional networking services division will be operated under three units: Personal Network Services; Operational Networking Services and Strategic Networking Services.

Unit 1: Operational Networking Service

An Operational Networking Service refers to individuals within your own organization and the relationships that serve immediate intra-organizational needs; essentially your working relationships with colleagues.

Unit 2: Personal Networking Service.

This networking service refers to relationships primarily outside your organization. This is the type of networking service most people picture when they think of networking as, “building connections through the organization to enhance professional prospects”.

Unit 3: Strategic Networking Service

A Strategic Networking Service functions as a combination of the two preceding types, referring to the practice of reading both organisational and intra-organisational trends and making connections to keep yourself professionally relevant. Strategic networking might build connections that keep you abreast of widespread developments in research or organisational trends at your place of employment.

Division 3: Professional Consultancy Services

For professional working in the professional services, the term consultancy service is defined as the practice of providing a third party with expertise on a matter, in exchange for a fee; which may involve either advisory, or implementation services. Consultancy Services means the whole of the consultancy services, including incidental services or work to be executed in accordance with the contract; including the scope of work and variations provided for, by the contract. Professional consultancy services will be operated under three units.

The units include: Management, Operational and Strategic Consultancy Services.

Unit 1: Management Consultancy Service

Management Consultancy Service is the practice of providing consultancy services to organizations to improve their performance, or in any way to assist in achieving organizational objectives. Consultancy services provide organizational change management assistance, development of coaching skills, process analysis, technology implementation, strategy development, or operational improvement services.

Unit 2: Operational Consultancy Services

Operational Consultancy Services look at the systems that the clients use to reach their objectives and goals and enhance their efficiency. They assess all levels of operations, including productions of goods and services, sales distribution and dissemination of information and materials and customer services.  The operational consultancy services are also interested and focus on how processes can be refined and improved, in terms of costs, timeframe, staff involved and steps required to best meet targets, objectives and goals.

Unit 3: Strategy Consultancy Services

 Strategy Consultancy Services focus on and assist with the long-term vision of an organization. The goal is to the bigger picture and to identify ways in which to increase the organization’s overall profitability and competitiveness of these, ensuring they are cost effective and bring in results, or profits.


In line with the mandate in improving Human Resources for Environmental Health in Nigeria, the Environmental Health Council of Nigeria (EHCN) in Collaboration with the West African Postgraduate College of Environmental Health (WAPCEH) is organising a six (6) months ( comprising of three months teaching and three months Field/ Laboratory Practicum) modulated PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMA training for all Environmental Health Specialists and Consultants in Nigeria.

The training will cover the following faculties and modules in line with one’s specialisation

  1. Faculty of Environmental Health Surveillance and Sanitation Services

Training Modules:

  1. Environmental Surveillance, Monitoring  and Inspection
  2. Global Sanitation ( excreta & waste water management)
  3. Water Hygiene and Sanitation
  4. Hygiene Education and Promotion
  5. Food Hygiene and Safety/ sanitation
  6. Housing Sanitation and Control
  7. Faculty of Environmental Health Laboratory Services and Research

Training Modules:

  1. Environmental Health Laboratory
  2. Community Disease Surveillance and Prevention
  3. Disease Screening and Detection
  4. Global Health and Tropical Diseases
  • Faculty of Environmental Epidemiology, Toxicology and Management

           Training Modules:

  1. Environmental Epidemiology and toxicology
  2. Public Health Entomology and Pest Management
  3. Medical and Special Waste Management (Hazardous)
  4. Climate Change and Eco – system Management
  5. Cemetery Management and Disposal of the dead
  6. Antimicrobial Resistance, Parasitic Disease Prevention and Control
  7. Faculty of Environmental Health, Safety Monitoring and Assessment

Training Modules:

  1. Environment, Health and Safety (OCH & Safety)
  2. Environmental Health Impact Assessment and Audit
  3. Air quality, Noise and Radiation monitoring
  4. Faculty of Environmental Jurisprudence and Emergency Response

Training Modules:

  1. Humanitarian and Emergency Preparedness and Response
  2. Port and International Health Services
  3. Environmental Justice and Jurisprudence

Compulsory Courses for all Faculties:

  1. Health Policy and Administration
  2. Public and Environmental Health law and ethics
  3. Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases

Expected Date of Commencement: June 1, 2023

Methods of Course Delivery: Virtual/On-line, face-to-face, Group and focus group discussion, Blended teaching, Individual and group presentations, Individual/group projects.

Training Fee: The training fee is N150,000 only comprising:

  1. Certificate – N50,000
  2. Course fee – N100,000