Investigating, detecting and responding` to new and emerging environmental and public health threats require a chance to do something extraordinary, through an integrated and intensified research and training in the key domains and dimensions of environmental and public health field. The Act, No.11 of 2002 that established the Environmental Health Council of Nigeria (EHCN), was amended through the gigantic effort of the Registrar/CEO, Dr. Baba Yakubu Mohammed and signed on the 25th August, 2022 by Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, President and Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, to contain the National Institute of Environmental Health (NIEH). The NIEH will strive to conduct research, surveillance and risk assessment, through Environment Public Health laboratory, to acquire knowledge on environmental issues affecting public health. he key thrust of the Institute, is to develop evidence-based, cost-effective tools and strategies to safeguard environmental public health practice. The NIEH will also strive to conduct and support the very best environmental health science and practice, in alignment with the real-world environmental public health needs and translate scientific findings into knowledge and skills that can inform real-life individual and environmental Public health outcomes. The NIEH work, falls under five highly strategic, transdisciplinary, interdependent, interactive and inclusive thematic programmes. They include: Preventing the effects of environmental health risk factors through research and dissemination of research findings; Promoting translation of data to knowledge and to action; Enhancing environmental health science and practice; Advancing environmental health science and practice; Providing collaborative and linkage services for all Environmental Health professional stakeholders. NIEH will as well contribute to the continuous advancement of Nigeria’s environmental and public health status. NIEH Vision: To prevent disease, disorder and disability, promote health and prolong life through scientific-control of environmental media and risk factors. NIEH Mission: Providing national gateway for innovative research that improves environmental public health through preventing disease, disorder and disability posed by environmental health risk factors. NIEH Motto: Research, training, innovation and skills for environmental public health sustenance. NIEH Values: Professionalism, reliability, accountability, collaboration, trustworthy, transparency, integrity and service (PRACTTIS) NIEH Objectives: to advance research on environmental health triggers of disease, disorders and disability; to communicate advances in environmental health sciences to the practitioners, institutions and public; to foster training and development of young environmental health scientists and practitioners; to enhance translation of knowledge from research to disease prevention; to develop improved safety assessment research on air, water, soil/land, food, chemicals and environmental factors; and to carry out collaborative, consultative and linkage services. NIEH Goals: Provide cross-cutting, environmental multimedia, community-oriented and evidence-based environmental public health researches and training; Ensure improved air, water, soil and food quality through environmental media-oriented researches and training; Ensure decreased air-water-food-soil-borne diseases, disorders and disability through research and information dissemination services. NIEH Philosophy: Application of the Institute’s vision, mission, values, objectives and goals, as philosophical and moral perspectives in providing scientific research, education, innovation and technical knowledge and skills for environmental public health professionals; to be able to make environmental health scientific and ethical decisions and have moral and philosophical insights that inform and justify their decisions and actions in considering some ethical issues and problems that can arise in the course of decision-making in environmental public health Science and practice in Nigeria and beyond. It is my blatant believe that the task/mandate placed on the Institute will be achieved, by ensuring that intersectoral, inter-agency and inter-professional collaboration takes place amongst training Institutions-Universities, Non-Governmental Organizations, Community- Based Organizations, Private and Business Sectors. You are therefore, welcome to the National Institute of Environmental Health’s Website. Please you are expected to judiciously use the site, patronize the various programmes and disseminate the information acquired. In doing so, we will collectively and conscientiously provide and maintain a sustainable environmental and public health rostrum for the prevention of disease and disorder; promotion of health and prolongation of human life in this fragile planet.