Admin & Finance


Administrative Department or Human Resource Management as the case may be is the pivot by which the general administration of an establishment revolves. It is responsible for planning, organizing and coordination of the general activities of such Institution towards the achievement of the organizational goal by assisting the management in formulating and implementing polices in line with the mandate of the organization.  While Finance is saddled with the responsibilities of managing the resources of the organization and also handling of staff salary and other things that evolves income and expenditure of the organization.

Administrative Division

  1. Appointment, Promotion and Discipline
  2. Registry
  3. Training/Welfare
  4. Store/Supplies
  5. Pension/NHIS/NHF

General Maintenance Service/Special Services

  1. Maintenance (facilities e.g. building and furniture)
  2. Transport
  3. Events /Functions
  4. Utility

Account Division

  1. Payroll/Salary
  2. Income/Expenditure
  3. Audit
  4. Other charges
  5. Grants